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Life is unconscious.

There are certain things that we know about ourselves and the world we live in. However, much of what is true about life is hidden to our conscious minds. It is as though we exist in a dream, where some things make sense, but many things are out of place or confusing. You may understand some of what’s happening within and around you but feel foggy when it comes to the full meaning of your life.

We may think that we are in charge of our own futures. To some degree we are. However, much of life is motivated by our unconscious. We experience the personal unconscious, which is our own memories and experiences that have gotten lost in our minds. We also experience the collective unconscious, which is the history that was passed down to us through previous generations.

Through therapy, you can learn to bring the unconscious into consciousness. You can regain your own memories. Furthermore, you can learn to use archetypes and other tools to uncover the lessons available to all humans through the collective unconscious. As you do, you will finally begin to feel whole.

What is Jungian therapy?

Jungian analysis is a form of talk therapy that delves deep into your unconscious in order to help you heal. It can help people with varied problems including depression, anxiety, and trauma. Of course, you don’t have to have a specific diagnosis to benefit from this therapy; everyone can grow from experiencing the balanced perspective that arises through doing this work.

We all present a certain self to the world. This self is real, but it is not complete. Through Jungian therapy, you will delve deeper into the real essence of yourself. You will learn how to use a variety of tools to unite your conscious self with the unconscious. These tools include:

  • Active imagination including fantasy and meditation
  • Archetype exploration and analysis
  • Dream interpretation
  • Exploration of myths, fables, and legends
  • Journaling
  • Playful creativity including painting and building
  • Word association

In other words, you will use your creative side to access the memories – both personal and collective – that will allow you to best understand your whole self.

Don’t Just Treat Your Symptoms

Jungian therapy allows you to heal in a very deep way so that the effects of the therapy can be long-lasting. Other types of therapy might lead you to just cover up the symptoms of your behavior. For example, you might have depression, and treatment might focus on doing things that make you superficially feel better. However, those effects won’t last. Only when you are able to work through the core causes of the symptoms will you find real relief.

Jungian therapy doesn’t concern itself so much with the symptoms. Instead, we understand that all symptoms arise from a disconnect between the conscious and unconscious. When there is an imbalance in consciousness, symptoms occur. If you can relieve that imbalance by connecting the two, through a process called individuation, then you can reduce or even eliminate all symptoms.

Individuation Celebrates Your Unique Self

Each person is unique. However, most of us get prevented from becoming our fully individualized selves. We get stuck. Our emotions confuse us. We have the potential to determine our futures but we self-sabotage. This is all a result of an internal battle.

Therapy allows you to work out that battle. As you connect to the unconscious, you become increasingly whole. The mysteries of your own mind are revealed. You stop fighting yourself as you integrate every past experience. As a result of this process, your very real self emerges.

Once you’ve done this work, you can move forward in a balanced, harmonious, and healthy way. Therefore, you actually go beyond just symptom relief; you get the opportunity to truly realize your full potential.

You don’t want to go through life as half a person, with your true self hidden to your own consciousness. This therapy is hard work, but the reward of wholeness is well worth the effort that you will put forth. Plus, you will have the benefit of a guide in the form of your therapist to travel this journey with you.